It is National School Breakfast Week! Check out the new and delicious items available for breakfast this week.
3 days ago, Toombs County Middle School
breakfast items for National School Breakfast week
Toombs Family Connection partnered with Toombs County Schools to implement a new pilot program called MENTOR Toombs. This program goes along with the Get TOOMBS Reading initiative that our community has been working toward for the last few years. Last month Paige Williamson, Toombs Family Connection Director, and Rhonda Benton, Toombs County Schools’ Family Engagement Coordinator, met with Leslie Hale from MENTOR Georgia to learn best practices and prepare to train other volunteers themselves. Tuesday, February 18, a group of eleven volunteers from our community met for the first official MENTOR Toombs training. During that time, participants practiced leading activities, learned WHY a program like this is important now, and took turns reading to one another to listen for sight words and better understand the mentor role. This program is focused on literacy and it’s specific to first grade students at Lyons Primary School at this time. We hope to expand to other schools and grades next year. The requirements to participate in this program are as follows: Application Background Check 4 Hour Training Weekly Commitment of one-two hours per week If you or someone you know would be interested in joining this program for the next school year, please contact Paige Williamson at or Rhonda Benton,
3 days ago, Toombs County Schools
The Toombs County Special Olympics, along with the East Gordon Church Ladies and the Greater Vidalia Chamber of Commerce, sponsored the Glow Crazy Prom on March 1st. Many of our students attended and had a wonderful time. Special thanks to the sponsors, parents, and staff that came to support our kids!
3 days ago, Toombs County Middle School
Glow Crazy Prom
Glow Crazy Prom
Glow Crazy Prom
Glow Crazy Prom
Glow Crazy Prom
Glow Crazy Prom
Glow Crazy Prom
Glow Crazy Prom
Glow Crazy Prom
A science experiment that results in a delicious treat? Count us in!
6 days ago, Toombs County Middle School
Mrs. Tankersley's class
This year's Vidalia Onion Run & Half Marathon (hosted by Kiwanis Club of Vidalia) will be held Saturday, April 26th. Registration website: Race Times Half Marathon - 7:00 a.m. 5k Run/Walk - 7:15 a.m. 1 Mile Fun Run & Walk - 8:00 a.m. Awards Ceremony - approx. 8:30 a.m.
6 days ago, Toombs County Schools
The Spring Plant Sale does not happen by accident. Agriculture Science students are learning the techniques of planting and propagating. The results will be a beautiful array of plants proving their learning success!
6 days ago, Toombs County Middle School
planting and propagating - ag classes
6 days ago, Toombs County Middle School
Computer Science students are designing, engineering, and problem-solving!
7 days ago, Toombs County Middle School
Computer Science
The sixth grade science classes recently had a quest speaker. Mrs. Lisa Bell, with Georgia Power, led a lesson over renewable energy resources. #SetTheStandard #TCMSShines
8 days ago, Chelsea Todd
Georgia Power Guest Speaker
Athletes, bring your uniform and picture order form if you want to purchase individuals. Sports being photographed: baseball, soccer, golf, and track.
8 days ago, Macy Stewart
The TCMS Band is getting ready for their large group performance evaluation coming up soon.
8 days ago, Toombs County Middle School
TCMS Band large group performance group
How fun it was to travel to Georgia Southern University to see former TCMS Band director, Sergio Arreguin, perform his Masters Recital!
9 days ago, Toombs County Middle School
Mr. A's percussion recital
Our chorus and band students recently visited the campus of Brewton Parker College to the Sons of Jubal. This group travels worldwide sharing their musical talents.
9 days ago, Toombs County Middle School
Sons of Jubal
Do Re Me Fa So La Ti Do! Think fast so that you can be named the Solfege King or Queen!
9 days ago, Toombs County Middle School
Solfege King or Queen game
Homework help is offered at the Dr. Mark and Tonya Spivey Public Library in Vidalia on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 4-6PM. The program serves ages 5-18. Check it out!
10 days ago, Toombs County Schools
Synthesizing the paired texts means that these students combine ideas from both texts to create a deeper understanding of the topics.
10 days ago, Toombs County Middle School
Reading about Martin Luther King, Jr.
Listen to the Bulldog Bulletin Monday-Friday on Y101 (FM 100.9) at 7:28am, 12:28pm & 5:28pm. The Bulldog Bulletin includes the most current happenings in Toombs County Schools.
10 days ago, Toombs County Schools
The students in Mrs. Todd's sixth grade Earth Science class have been studying about the different types of soil and soil formation. The students completed an investigation in which they worked in small groups to examine different types of soils. #TCMSShines #SetTheStandard
11 days ago, Chelsea Todd
Types of Soil Investigation
LAST DAY to purchase your yearbook! Visit
13 days ago, Macy Stewart
8th Grade ELA wrapping up their Informational Writing Unit!
13 days ago, Macy Stewart
8th grade