Connecting home and school makes us a great community of Learners!
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Schools
We believe that our high school student section, known as the 'Pit Crew,' stands out as the best in GA. To prove it, they've entered the 2023 GHSA Student Section of The Year Competition. Check out their video entry at the link below.
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Schools
When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school. Let's continue to work together.
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Schools
Let's be engaged in learning at home & school.
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Schools
nov 3
From levers to pulley systems, Mrs. Dowell's students are learning how simple machines make everyday life much easier.
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Middle School
Dowell October spotlight
Family Involvement Matters!
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Schools
nov 2 fe
Thank you for all you do to help make your child/children successful!
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Schools
Nov 1 PE
Please help us bridge the gap between school and home by either scanning this QR code or using the link provided to answer the questions on the survey. Username: TCMSPARENT Password: TINA
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Schools
#settingthestandard #TCMSShines
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Middle School
ELA Spotlight
Spotlight on Reading: Why is being scared so much fun?
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Middle School
Spotlight on Reading
Congratulations to our 1st I-Ready Challenge winners for passing the most lessons with the highest percentage of accuracy in I-Ready Math. 6th grade winner - The Bow Wow Krew, coached by Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Tyson who passed 217 lessons. 7th Grade winner - The K-9 Network, coached by Mrs. Braddy and Mrs. Sol who passed 209 lessons. 8th Grade winner - The Dynamic Dawgs, coached by Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Pierce who passed 267 lessons
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Middle School
Bow Wow Crew
K9 Network Crew
Dynamic Dawgs Crew
Toombs County Middle School celebrated Red Ribbon Week last week. Students participated in dress-up days along with creating posters by pledging to stay drug-free. Our poster winners were: from left to right: Honorable mentions: William Rogers, Jucory Gillis, and Ashley Quintana, 2nd Place: Paris Tobler, and 3rd Place: Dashanti Badie. Not pictured: 1st Place: Peyton Soles. Our teachers participated as well by decorating their doors. Our 1st place winner was: Krysta Rushing, 2nd place: Elaine Allen, and 3rd place: Julie Tyson.
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Middle School
RRW Poster Winners
RRW Door 1st place
RRW Door 3rd place winner
RRW Door 2nd place
A jigsaw activity allows students to take parts of a topic to create a whole presentation. Mr. Brantley's classes recently excelled at their jigsaw activity over European governments.
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Middle School
Brantley's October spotlight
Get ready for our 2nd Annual COMMUNITY PEP RALLY on Thursday, November 2nd! Save the date to come out to The Pit as we gear up for our rivalry football game, celebrate the success of our fall sports, and engage in some healthy competition through various games! Below are descriptions of games and activities community members can sign up to participate in! Dress Like a Football Player Race:  We will pick 5 participants for this race who will each team up with a player from our varsity football team! They will start on the same yard line and will run suicides up and down the field picking up and putting on different parts of a football uniform with each suicide. The first player to complete the race fully dressed in their uniform wins! We are looking for participants ages 7-13. Sign ups close Tuesday, October 31st! Link to sign up: Goal Attempt: Who remembers Braylen Dietrich's kick heard round the world to secure a win against Appling County? We want to see who can make one half that distance! Anyone of any age can sign up for this game! Sign ups close Tuesday, October 31st.Link to sign up: Fan of the Year:  We are looking to recognize and celebrate an extraordinary fan who has been a positive influence in the lives of our Bulldog athletes and who inspires others through their love of TCHS Athletics.We will determine the winner of the award based on the number of nominations filled out in their honor. The nomination form will close on Tuesday, October 31st. Our 2022 Fan of the Year was TCMS's Mr. James! Link to submit a nomination: our Mascot: TCHS Cheerleaders and the Booster Club teamed up to get our school a new bulldog mascot suit! Our mascot can be seen at most sporting and community events spreading school spirit and we want to make our mascot more official by giving it a name! Inspiration may come from a significant person, place, or thing in our community or school's history.  Submissions will close on Tuesday, October 31st! We will pick the top three suggestions and have the community vote from 5:30-6:30 before the pep rally then announce the winning name! Link to submit a name:
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Schools
Pep rally
Congratulations to the TCMS Football team for earning Southeast GA Region 1st runner-up! They have worked hard and had another GREAT season! Way to go DAWGS! #thestandard #TCMSbulldogs * Pictured are TCMS 8th grade football and spirit cheer athletes.
about 1 year ago, Danielle Morris
#thestandard #TCMSbulldogs
#thestandard #TCMSbulldogs
These 7th grade students make solving equations look easy!
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Middle School
Payne's Math Spotlight
You are invited! Safety Saturday is October 28th from 10am-2pm at Lowe's! There will be fun, food, trunk or treat and more!
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Schools
Many different instruction techniques are used in reading classes to help keep students engaged in their reading passages while understanding the reading passages better. Partner reading is one of those techniques.
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Middle School
Partner reading for Lynn
We celebrated some stand-out teachers this morning with their favorite snacks. TCMS and System Teacher of the Year: Mrs. Morris August Teachers of the Month: Mr. Brantley and Mrs. Braddy September Teachers of the Month: Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Baker
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Middle School
Mrs. Morris
Mr. Brantley
Mrs. Braddy
Mrs. Todd
Mrs. Baker
Let's celebrate Red Ribbon Week. See the image for Dress Up day themes.
about 1 year ago, Toombs County Middle School
RRW Dress  Up Days