Our Summer themed Staff Appreciation Week at TCMS kicked off with sunshine cookies! Our teachers make TCMS Shine Bright!
Thank you to DOT Foods for providing muffins to the TCMS staff during Staff Appreciation Week!
Toombs County Middle School announces April Students of the Month. These students have worked hard to obtain this by having good grades, attendance, and citizenship. Back row: Riley Hester, Aaliyah West, Anthony Shepard, Sophie Ho, and Gerardo Mata-Tamayo. Middle row: Sierra Bennett, Freddie Gonzalez Pacheco, Joanie Fowler, and Caylee Oliver. Front row: Jerry Walker and Cason Bell. Not pictured: Caleb Tennyson.
Congratulations to all the athletes who made the TCMS Softball and TCMS Competition and Sideline Cheer teams. Good Luck on your upcoming seasons! #setthestandard #beadawg
Today is School Lunch Hero Day! TCMS would like to give a shout-out to our extraordinary lunchroom heroes who help make the cafeteria and school a better place!
Toombs County Middle School announces March Students of the Month. These students have worked hard to obtain this by having good grades, attendance, and citizenship. Back row: Francisco Perez, Jackson Brooks, Felipe Oliveros-Barcenas, Bill Castro, and Brycen Landrum. Middle row: Melanie Juarez Nunez, Areli Arias Guerrero, Ivan Tinoco, Anna Hutcheson, and Sabrina Rice. Front row: Juan Perez-Maya. Not pictured: Alona Wright.
The last day for the Toombs County Afterschool Program will be Thursday, May 2.
Imago Dei Missions provides cost-free clothing and essentials to foster, adoptive, kinship, and guardianship families. Families are asked to bring a copy of their appropriate paperwork to verify eligibility on their 1st visit. May hours are listed on the attached flyer.
At the request of the Lyons Police Department:
If traveling North on Bulldog Road in the morning after dropping off your child(ren) at school, we ask that you use the intersection of Hwy 280 and Bulldog Road if wanting to turn left toward Vidalia.
Left turns onto Parker Street from Bulldog Road cause traffic to back up on Bulldog Road.
By following the directions of the LPD Officers, we can keep our morning traffic running smoothly.
Thank you in advance for your help.
The TCMS Afterschool Program has been cancelled today (4/25/2024). TCMS afterschool students are being transported home via bus or will call parents for pickup.
RSVP to 478-262-1133
DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day encourages the public to remove unneeded medications from their homes as a measure of preventing medication misuse and opioid addiction from ever starting.
Toombs Family Connections is partnering with the Toombs County Sheriff’s Department to promote the DEA Take Back Day on April 27th. Please collect your unused and expired medications and drop them off for safe disposal at the Toombs County Sheriff’s Office this Saturday (April 27th) anytime between 10 am and 2 pm.
Using our brains in different ways after testing!
We sent progress reports home today!
Georgia Milestones testing begins April 22nd.
Parents of Athletes:
Students must have a current physical on file to try out for or to play sports during the 2024 - 2025 school year. Free physicals are being offered at the school. See the image for more important details and a deadline for paperwork to be returned.
Important information for 6th and 8th grade parents regarding scoliosis screening.
Check out the image below if you have a student who wants to try out for the TCMS Softball team for the 2024 - 2025 school year.
We are gearing up for our first annual TCMS BULLDOG GAMES! Grade level t-shirts are on sale now. The deadline to order is May 5th.
Congratulations to our Young Georgia Author District Winners!