We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3SYF64y
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3ZPrMBG

Join us for Open House on Aug 3! Lyons Primary School (8:30 AM-10:30 AM); Lyons Upper Elem. School (10:00 AM-12:00 PM); Toombs Central Elem. School (10:00 AM-12:00 PM); Toombs County Middle School (2:00 PM-4:00 PM); Toombs County High School (3:00 PM-5:00 PM)

An update regarding the TCMS Dress Code

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Toombs County Schools! It's everything Toombs County Schools, in your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3SYF64y
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3ZPrMBG

We are excited for you to join the Toombs County Family! Each school in the Toombs County School System will hold new student registration on their campus on July 26 from 8:30am-2:30pm. New student registration is only required for students who did not attend a Toombs County School at the end of the last school year.
A parent or guardian must come to complete the enrollment and must bring a photo ID.
Please bring the following documents:
Proof of residency (rental agreement or water/electricity bill), birth certificate, SS card, Immunization record form 3231, EED record form 3330.

We look forward to seeing our students at the TCMS Open House!

School Supplies Update for Toombs County Schools:
For the 2023-2024 school year, in an effort to relieve some of the financial hardships on our families and communities, ESSER Funding will be used to purchase general school supplies for all TCS K-12 students.
Parents will be asked to provide only personal items such as bookbags, calculators (high school only), pencil pouches, etc.

Is your child moving up to Middle School? Find suggestions about getting ready for Middle School using this link: https://www.gpb.org/sites/default/files/2022-07/Getting_Ready_6th_Skills_July2022.pdf

Toombs County Schools will be closed on Monday, June 19th in observance of Juneteenth. There will be no summer school classes on June 19th. Summer school classes will resume on Tuesday, June 20th.

We are seeking applicants for the following positions:
*Speech Teacher (Early Childhood, P-5)
*Business Teacher (High School, 9-12)
*History Teacher (High School, 9-12)
Apply at: toombscountyschools.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx

Toombs County School System is named National Beta District of Distinction for 2022-2023! Toombs County Schools is one of only 42 districts to receive this award nationwide.

FREE Summer Meals for Kids 18 and under! May 30-June 22 (Mon-Thurs) @ Lyons Upper, Toombs Middle & Toombs High School. July 10-28 (Mon-Fri) @ Toombs High School. (Breakfast) 7:30AM-8:30AM, (Lunch) 11AM-11:30AM @LUES/TCMS & 11:30AM-12:30PM @ TCHS.

Another great summer camp opportunity! AG-Tastic Day Camp July 24-28, 8AM-5PM hosted by Toombs County Farm Bureau. Contact: slshiver@gfbco.org or 912-538-7400.

We need your assistance to ensure your student's graduation ceremony is conducted in a dignified manner. Thank you in advance for your adherence to these guidelines.

The Toombs County Cheerleading Summer Clinic will be July 24, 25 and 26th from 9am-12pm in the TCHS main gym. Ages 4-12. Cost is $45 per camper.

ATTENTION LUES Field Day attendees!! If parking at TCMS, you must enter through the gate near the softball field. DO NOT enter through the Toombs Middle School building.

This morning Alona Wright, 7th grader, received her trophy and certificate for winning the Young Georgia Authors contest. This contest was sponsored by our First District Regional Educational Service Agency.

As 7th grade students continue their study of forensic science, Capt. Jordan Kight and Ms. Makaylee Randolph held a mock press conference, interviewing Mr. T. J. Mercer and Mr. Rusty Wright, to provide new information in the cold case that the students will solve. Students must use their higher-order thinking skills, analytical reasoning, and listening skills in order to take notes so that they have the information they need to solve the case and write their articles.

On May 4th, ACE students left far too early in the morning and traveled to Atlanta for their annual field trip. They spent the morning at the Atlanta Zoo, and then traveled to Johns Creek to Sojourn Adventures where they were challenged mentally as well as physically.
At Sojourn, the students participated in activities designed to challenge their listening skills, their ability to follow directions, and their willingness to work as a team. They had the opportunity to lead AND follow, working together to solve problems and complete challenges The high points of their time there included laser tag and zip lining.

Today Mrs. Allen’s class attended the Boot Scoot Boogie at the Ag Center in Lyons. The students enjoyed playing on blow-up slides, music, and some were able to ride the horses. Everyone had a great time! Thanks to Mrs. Campbell for putting this together for all to enjoy!