The following students were recognized for their Young Georgia Author Writings at the Toombs Co. BOE mtg on April 13: Gr K- Delilah Wilkes, TCES – RESA Winner / Gr 1- Oaklee Calhoun, TCES / Gr 2- Kinley Warren, LPS – RESA 2nd Place / Gr 3- Preslie Mosley, TCES / Gr 4- John Peterson, TCES – RESA HM (not pictured) / Gr 5- Analia Loredo, TCES / Gr 6- Ryleigh Hester, TCMS (not pictured) / Gr 7- Alona Wright, TCMS – RESA Winner / Gr 8- Abigail Warf, TCMS – RESA HM / Gr 9- Emily Carter, TCHS (not pictured) / Gr 10- Summur Howell, TCHS (not pictured) / Gr 11- Levi Worth, TCHS – RESA 3rd Place (not pictured) / Gr 12- Joseph Ramos, TCHS – RESA HM (not pictured)
almost 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
Join us this week at Toombs! In addition to the events listed, Toombs Golf will play in the Neil Graham Invitational in Douglas on 4-10-23, Toombs Golf will also have a Match on 4-13-23 at Uchee Trail Country Club.
almost 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
This week 4-10
Spring Break for Toombs County Schools : Thursday, March 30 - no school for students (Teacher Planning Day) Friday, March 31 - No school for staff or students Monday, April 3- Friday, April 7 - No school for staff or students
almost 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
Spring Break
The Toombs County Kinship Caregiver Support Group meets Thursday, March 30 (6PM-7:30PM) @ the Birthday House @ Partin Park. Please RSVP 478-262-1133 if you plan to attend.
almost 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
Kinship Caregiver Support
Check out some of the happenings this week at Toombs!
almost 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
This week 3-27-23
The Toombs County Middle School 6th grade Chorus received straight Superior ratings in Stage and Sight-Reading at the Savannah Choir Festival!
almost 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
6th grade chorus
Check out the info about the upcoming Southeast Georgia Soap Box Derby April 28-29!
almost 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
Soap Box Derby
Toombs County Middle School recently entered into a lockdown as a precaution when a visitor to campus entered an unauthorized area. The individual was apprehended and placed into custody by our School Resource Officer. At no time were the students or staff members in harm's way. Toombs County Middle School has returned to normal operations.
almost 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
Navy T
There are a few days left to provide us with your feedback. We'd love to hear from you! Please use this link to complete the survey.
almost 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
Title I survey
Title I survey
Toombs County School System Mindset for March - "The Time Is Now"
about 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
March Mindset
It's Read Across America Week! Please follow your child's school for any upcoming events and activities.
about 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
Toombs County Kinship Caregiver Support Group meets Feb. 23rd - 5:30pm (Dinner) / 6:00-7:30pm (CPR/First Aid training). Meeting will be held at the Birthday House at Partin Park. Text 478-262-1133 if you plan to attend.
about 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
Kinship Caregiver Meeting
Another full week of action! Be sure to come out and support our student athletes and coaches this week! Go Dawgs!
about 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
This week at Toombs
The Toombs County local hog show will be Monday, Feb. 13th beginning at 6:30 PM at the Toombs County Ag Center in Lyons. Come out and see our youth exhibit their livestock projects. There is no fee to attend, and a concession stand will be available. See you there!
about 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
Local Hog Show - Feb. 13th
Toombs County Middle School had our REACH Scholar signing on Wednesday, November 16, 2022. These students and their parents and or guardians signed contracts committing to satisfy the program requirements, graduating from high school, and enrolling and completing college. REACH Georgia is the State of Georgia's first needs-based mentorship and college scholarship program. The mission is to ensure that Georgia's academically promising students have the academic, social, and financial support needed to graduate from high school, access college, and achieve post-secondary success. Beginning in the 8th grade and through high school, REACH Scholars are paired with a mentor and an academic coach. Scholars must maintain good grades (2.5 GPA), behavior, and attendance. Scholars who successfully complete the program and graduate from high school are awarded a $10,000 scholarship ($2,500/year) that can be used at a University System of Georgia, Technical College System of Georgia, or eligible private post-secondary institution. The scholarship is in addition to any other grant or scholarship the student uses.
over 2 years ago, Tabatha Nobles
 Our Scholars are as follows in the front row: Lilly Bellew, Katie Eduardo, and Julissa Borja.  The back row: Russell Hart and Jose Nava-Abarca.